Blind Cords: Hidden Hazard in Your Home
Window blind cords pose a silent but lethal risk to children, turning a common household item into a potential hazard. Across Utah and the nation, tragedies involving blind cords have resulted in devastating injuries and deaths, prompting legal actions and advocacy efforts to eliminate this danger. Blind cords are especially perilous because they create a loop or dangling line that children can easily access. A toddler’s natural curiosity and tendency to explore make these cords an attractive yet deadly hazard. When a child becomes entangled, their limited ability to untangle themselves, combined with their small neck size and low body weight, often results in strangulation within minutes.
Holding Youth Treatment Centers Accountable
Utah is home to a large number of youth residential treatment centers, often marketed as ‘safe havens’ for troubled teens facing mental health, behavioral, or substance abuse issues. However, many of these facilities have faced allegations of horrific abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual misconduct. At Mortensen & Milne, we are committed to exposing these abuses and advocating for justice on behalf of survivors and their families.